Six Great Benefits of Privileged Access Management Software


Businesses rely on information accuracy and privacy. Thus, data management and security should not be underestimated. Because of this, they invest in privileged access management (PAM) solutions to strengthen their IT security. PAM helps in reducing problems with workflow and session management by automating each approval step throughout the duration of the session.  Below are the main benefits of PAM software

Allowing Automation

The deployment of a privileged account management system allows for the automation of access management. As a result, IT people can concentrate on more essential projects that help in supporting the growth of the business. The system will alert the requisite administration for events as programmed such as web application transactions, failed passwords, password requests, and more. Also, automation reduces the possibility of human error.

Reducing the Possibility of a Widespread System Failure

A PAM system helps in minimising the chances of a widespread system failure in case the system host is compromised and goes offline. Thus, in case a single point within the network is undermined through an attempted breach, other users can still access their entry point and password. Therefore, operations continue without interruption.

Managing Non-Employee Access

Sometimes, subcontracted personnel may need to continuously access a business’ system. PAM software provides a solution by allowing access only based on roles. With this solution, businesses do not need to offer domain credentials to outsiders and limit access based map user or administrator roles.

Giving Immediate Entry into Applications on Emergency Basis

In some instances, emergency access should be given to some administrators. But, transactions done within the system can still be audited and recorded. PAM provides a secure application launcher that offers immediate entry into applications without disclosing passwords. It allows administrators to configure access to as many applications as needed.

Giving Access to Non-Local Devices

There might be times when subcontracted personnel may request access points from tablets or laptops. PAM software offers integration with a secure application launcher, granting access to non-local devices. It makes it possible for IT personnel to get audited access through a present number of applications wherever they are.

Recording and Reporting Activities

Although automation is PAM’s most desirable feature, companies need to have access to transactional audit trails such as application Syslogs and application logs to analyse data. PAM offers recording and reporting for various activities including password requests and system transactions. In addition, PAM software can offer hundreds of reports such as asset reports, vulnerability reports, privilege reports, and compliance reports.

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