An International Issue
Ransomware is pervasive and fired at e-mail accounts like a digital shotgun blast. It’s a kind of net on the web, if you will. Basically, those who program ransomware applications shoot out their viruses as far and wide as they can, then wait for a bite.
It’s usually not about a specific target with ransomware (though this isn’t always the case), it’s usually about taking advantage of whoever is unfortunate enough to download the software.
Ransomware hides itself in emails that may look legitimate. There are cases where a hacker using a ransomware virus has sent out an email that looks as though it comes from a top-tier online website like Facebook or Google. Usually the email will make up some reason that sounds slightly legitimate why you should send your login and password information in reply.
Don’t fall for it; this sends the hacker(s) a “ding!” which notifies them that they can break into your system one way or another. Don’t feel bad if you get “phished” like this; you’re far from alone. In the fourth quarter of 2016, San Francisco’s transit system was subject to a ransomware attack. That’s a transit system in one of the most technologically advanced cities in the nation.
If anyone should have been able to avoid a ransomware attack, it should have been a public services provider in San Francisco. That they were victim to attack demonstrates just how pervasive these attacks have become, and how potentially dangerous they can ultimately be.
Finding An Agency
According to, a purveyor of ransomware protection software, “It’s time for security companies to back their technology and provide users with the financial assurance they deserve against ransomware attacks.” The fact is, if you have ransomware protection that you’ve paid for, and it doesn’t work, you should be remunerated.
Companies that guarantee such financial assurance are a safe bet when it comes to sourcing proper protection against scams that hold your files for ransom against payment of a fee. The thing is, some ransomware programs are so good that if you don’t pay the fee, not only do you not get your files back; they may be destroyed. This can be a critical blow to small and large businesses alike.
A New Frontier
They say technology creates as many problems as it fixes. This is certainly the case with Ransomware. As convenient as modern technological advances are, they’ve opened the door for underhanded viruses purveyed by the dark side of the web.
But the good news is, protection is available; and the better agencies have enough integrity to cover the losses if their services aren’t requisite to the task of protecting your files. If you haven’t looked into ransomware protection, you’re wide open to get phished. Don’t think you’re immune because you’ve established some protocol.
Hackers that orchestrate ransomware schemes are every bit as savvy as you are when it comes to holding your information hostage. The best defense is proactive protection from an agency bearing integrity.
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